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Eye of Dubai
Business & Money | Sunday 7 June, 2015 10:08 am |

“Tasneef” continues to strengthen its position to lead the Arab Maritime sector

It also aims to strengthen areas of cooperation in the maritime sector and utilize it in a way that better serves the maritime community being the first national society in the Arab World seeking to raise the efficiency and specifications of ships and has the potential and capabilities to deliver premium maritime classification services and training to compete with foreign classification societies with high quality

In virtue of its role as the first Arab classification society developing standards and specifications in the field of maritime navigation, and issuing compliance and inspection certificates for ships and maritime facilities, Emirates Classification Society “Tasneef” sent a delegation to Jordan in order to enact the recently signed agreements in addition to visiting other authorities and institutions in order to promote its services in the Arab world.
Eng. Rashed AlHebsi, CEO of Tasneef expressed his optimism with this visit saying “Our visit to Jordan is considered an important step to implement best practices when it comes to providing classification services, maritime training and technical consulting, in addition to research and development. We at Tasneef will do our role in transferring knowledge and world-class expertise in the maritime classification field in the Arab world to form a supporting power that strengthens the opportunities of building an integrated economy in the field.”
Al Hebsi also added that “Tasneef has many services that can bring an added value to ship owners in the Arab World through standards and specifications developed by the society to directly adapt to the region. Through these visits, Tasneef is seeking to exchange expertise and introduce the market to its services that are based on commitment to maritime standards and ship maintenance in accordance with international standards as well as to cover the needs of ship owners, operators and investors in this vital sector to contribute to advancing the maritime economy.”
A Fruitful Visit and the Possibility of Opening an office in Jordan
Eng.Omar Abu Omar, Chief Operating Officer at Tasneef commented on the delegation’s visit to Jordan as being “One of the most successful visits due to the great support we received as Jordan is considered the first Arab country to officially accredit Tasneef as a UAE classification society. In addition to Tasneef’s previous success in signing two agreements, one with the Jordanian Maritime Authority to authorize Tasneef to issue the necessary certificates and inspections for vessels in accordance with relevant maritime agreements, the second was signed with the Jordanian Academy for Maritime Studies to deliver educational and training programs for interested staff working in the maritime sector as well as research and development.
The visit also included a series of meetings with the Arab Company for Navigation in Jordan, Jordanian Academy for Maritime Studies, and the Jordanian Ministry of Transport. The focus of these meetings was on activating the two agreements and discussing the mechanism for delivering maritime classification services for vessels flying the Jordanian flag. It was agreed that the Jordanian Academy will be Tasneef’s consulting arm and technical partner in order to collaborate and deliver joint services.
It’s worthy to mention that the meeting with H.E Dr. Lina Shabib, the Jordanian Minister of Transport has seen discussing the possibility of establishing a branch office for Tasneef in Jordan; where Shabib showed full support to Tasneef as a UAE initiative considered the first of its kind in the Arab world, coming to break the monopoly of by foreign classification societies. “We’d like to see Tasneef a leading classification society not only in the Arab world but, also on the global level aiming to raise the efficiency and ship specifications. We are also confident that it has the ability and potential to provide world class maritime classification services and training to compete with foreign classification societies and with high quality,” added Shabib
AlHebsi expects this visit to have many positive returns on Tasneef on the level of its quest for consolidating the strategic vision of the UAE in transforming the region and the Arab world into an international center for maritime trade and to increase research and development operations resulting from Tasneef’s partnerships with maritime authorities in the Arab world. In addition to enhancing consulting services provided by Tasneef to its customers being the first society of its kind in the Arab World that is well-experienced in the nature of the region which qualifies it to build a series of economic activities in the maritime field and other relevant services.

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