12 Sha'aban 1446 - 10 February 2025
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Eye of Dubai

Media Monitoring

Media Monitoring

 Receive your daily press file, distribute it, and get specific analytical report about what publications write about you…

If your company is active in media, and distributes large numbers regularly, or if you're working in a basic business sectors such as insurance,  tourism, real estate,  health, and others. And you want to put a press file in your site, and other related services in this area, Eye of Dubai site provides you with following services:

      Design your special daily press file site, or include this file in your own site.

      Monitor the news that published about your sector in all Saudi, Arab and international media (Print and electronic). In addition to social media.

      Coordinate Press Kit topics in main and sub sections. And facilitate access and reading process.

      Provide press file distribution service to large segments of the target audience as a service you can introduce it to your clients.

      Provide monthly analytical report shows the rates of your manifestation in media, with general review of readers’ comments.

      Provide this service seven days a week and in the fixed time.

To learn more about our writing news releases service and other Internet marketing services, click here to contact us or call 00966112735522

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