17 Sha'aban 1446 - 15 February 2025
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Eye of Dubai
Mira Hotel

Mira Hotel

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Tourism & Hospitality > 4 Stars Hotels

"Wherever you go the luxury and elegance of this hotel will remain memorable" In the heart of Riyadh and in the most important tourist landmarks, Mira Hotel Company chose to be its launch in the world of four-star hotels, from Prince Mohammed bin Abdul Aziz in Riyadh famous (Al Tahliah) providing the finest global hospitality, comfort and luxury. We Inspired from Mira the magnificence and we work so as not less the splendor of the hotel on its name.. From this standpoint, we have launched Mira Palace Hotel the latest and the most beautiful hotels in Riyadh and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mira Hotel features with a Dynamic-Located in the heart of the capital and near the plush shopping malls. Hotel combine designed by the nobility Andalusian-style among of modern and stylish style. We offer to our visitors comfort and finest service from the most famous Turkish restaurants on the Italian hospitality way. Mirra’s Hotel is the warmth that you are looking for whenever you are visitor or guests.

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